Two weeks ago we were able to go home to Texas for a week. Adam had to attend a class in Houston. We had a great time seeing friends, eating Mexican food, and shopping at Target and Wal-Mart again!
Highlights of the trip:
- Seeing Jeff, Holly, Collin and Annalyn! We missed you guys!
- Hanging out with our friends from work.
- Eating Mexican food (twice) and hotwings (3 times!).
- Me going back to work for a couple of nights ( I know, but I missed it!)
- Seeing that our house was still standing (and Mallory is taking good care of it:)
- Going to the Army vs. Texas A&M football game ( too bad Army lost:( )
- Enjoying cool evenings/nights!
- Being able to call family/friends at normal hours instead of trying to time the 13hr difference just right.

Adam and Collin

Adam and Jeff

Me and my girls from work:)

Military Appreciation Day at the Army/A&M game

We had a long layover in South Korea and walked around Seoul for awhile...It's everywhere