Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tucker and Nicole in our room!

Tucker Adam Hess is finally here!

God decided to give us an early present. Tucker Adam Hess was born at 5:24 pm on 24 Mar 2010. He weighed in at a hefty 8 lbs 9 oz and measured 20 inches from head to toe. Both Nicole and Tucker are doing well, but Nicole is pretty sore. Nicole, being the trooper she is, was at work when her water broke. She drove home and we headed to the hospital. It was a very mentally straining day for me and was extremely physically demanding on Nicole considering she hadn't slept since noon the day prior.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

12 days to go...

Yes, I have the countdown more than started. Tuesday we had our weekly Dr's appointment. She informed us that he has definitely "dropped." Monday we are having an ultrasound to measure his estimated weight and we will go from there. Basically could be any time :) We are anxiously awaiting!!

38 weeks

Thursday, March 11, 2010

3 weeks to go!

My due date is 3 weeks from today. Hard to believe how time flies! Last night we had our Infant Care class at the hospital. It was quite entertaining to watch Adam "bathe" and change diapers on the baby dolls:) He did great, but of course added his own touches to make me laugh. Everyone around us was probably doubting our ability as parents.

Lish and Matt are visiting us right now and tonight we are headed to the Houston Rodeo. Should be a fun night our child-less days are limited.

Here is the 37 week picture: