So we were not able to go to India. We had dinner with some friends from Singapore the night before our scheduled trip to India, and one of them asked us if we had our Indian Visas. Adam and I had heard nothing about this, so Adam checked into it the next day. Turns out, everyone entering and leaving India has to have a special Visa. For Americans, the process usually takes 5 days in Singapore. Seeing as how we found out the day our flight was supposed to leave, we high-tailed it to the High Commission of India here in Singapore and waited in line to beg if we could speed the process up a little:) Ok a lot! We only had 5 hrs until our flight left. We called every number we could find that we thought could help us, but same answer - it takes 5 days to process. Needless to say we were a little upset. Adam's company flies people all over the world on a daily basis. You would think that they would mention it to us, but I guess we were supposed to know that on our own. Luckily, I was able to get a refund for my plane ticket, which we had to buy. So, if anyone plans to go to India, you have to have an Indian Visa!!
Other exciting news...everyone is having babies! Congratulations to Mark & Rachel, Ryan & Jennifer, and Shelby & Eva. We can't wait to come home and see the little ones!