Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day!

First of all, Happy Memorial Day to all you veterans and those currently serving. I'm so thankful for all of your bravery and selflessness to fight for our freedoms! We spent the weekend relaxing (Adam and Tucker are both asleep in the chair right now). We did a little shopping and visiting friends.
Adam is heading out to the rig this week, so I am full time single mommy for a few days. Hopefully Tucker thinks it will be fun to be a good boy and not cry ALL of the time:) I will be going back to work in 2 weeks (tear), so we have hired a nanny. She is from Guatemala and has had over a decade of experience as a nanny. She will come for one day this week. Let's hope all goes well and Tucker doesn't give her too hard of a time.

Mom and Aunt Elaine come this weekend for another visit. Can't wait!

Silly boy riding Bentley

1st time in the pool

not so sure about these things between my toes

Friday, May 21, 2010

Tucker's first trip to Indiana

2 weeks ago, Lish, Jenn and Jake came to Texas to meet Tucker. We had a blast as they celebrated my first Mother's Day with me. The night before they had to leave, Adam decided he would head out to the rig for a few days. Lish and Jenn suggested I just fly home with them. It was decided! Tucker still needed to meet Grandpa and Papaw :) He was an angel on the flights and everyone was so surprised to see us. Here are some pictures from the week:

Tucker with Aunt Lish and Aunt Jenn

My 1st Mother's Day

Uncle Jake

Tucker slept on all the flights

Meeting Grandpa for the first time

Tucker and Papaw

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

More family; more fun!

Last week Troy, Amber and Silas came to visit us. It was so great to see them all again...and Tucker got to meet his cousin, Silas :) Silas loved to say "baby" everytime he saw Tucker. So cute! While they were here we enjoyed some time at the park and the zoo.

Can you say humid?? (my hair does)

On Saturday, more visitors to arrive! I love it :) Lish, Jenn and Jake will all be here this weekend to meet their new nephew. Can't wait! Oh, and Tucker is 6 weeks old today. Where does the time go? Love that boy!