Sunday, August 15, 2010

Growin up on me

It amazes me how fast Tucker changes. He is doing new things every day. He loves to stand while holding your hands and refuses to stay on his belly. He rolls right over and then smiles like "look what I just did." He is loving his cereal and fruits/veggies. He has discovered Bentley and loves watching him move around the room. And, as you can tell, he loves his exersaucer.
Adam has started a new schedule of working offshore for 3 weeks at a time and then being home for 3 weeks. He has been gone on his first hitch for about a week and half. So far things are going well, but we sure miss him. After 4 years of being a nurse, I start day-shift TODAY!!! Hopefully this makes things easier. I know it will on my nanny, who is amazing! We have visitors coming the next two weekends so that will add some excitement to our routine.

Well, gotta run and get ready for my first day. I've been up since 1:35am so I'm hoping the day goes fast. My body isn't really good at sleeping through the night anymore.


Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH he is huge! When are you coming home again? It seems like we're missing everything.. :( Love you guys!

Matt & Alicia said...

I love how he's hanging out of his crib! Soon he will be hanging over the top railing!!